September is here and I feel like I’m running a bit behind with everything. Do you get this feeling too?
I feel like I got back from Spain, I got a cold that had my energy pretty much wiped out for 2 weeks after my return, which has delayed things for me getting started in this last quarter of the year.
September always feels like January or a second beginning to the year, I guess because it’s the beginning of the school year.
It’s a great time to reconnect with my goals, my dreams, and start new routines and habits.
Here’s a couple tips on how you can start this last quarter of the year and end strong:
Write down your top 3 goals that you want to see manifest before we start a new year.
Imagine you’re at a party on December 31st and 2023 arrives, a friend asks you: “How was 2022?” and you respond “It was great because _______” (You get to fill in the blank and share what transpired). What became a reality for you?
Ask yourself what needs to happen in order for me to fulfill these 3 major goals? What do I need to say yes to? What do I need to say no to?
My invitation is to allocate some time today to write down what it is that you truly desire to accomplish by the end of the year. Hold space for it, hold the vision and trust that it can become yours.
We have 3 months, 15 weeks left in the year.
How are you best going to use this time to make your dreams and goals come true?
Please share with me below, I’d love to hear what you want to see manifest and hold space for you.
With love,
PS: I am honored to be recognized on the Look What She Built podcast in an interview by Jaime Rowe!! In the interview, I share all about my morning practices, women’s top money blocks and we even get to listen to Jaime’s chihuahua, Mr. Cha Cha’s, input about money ;)
Check it out at Look What She Built podcast