I’m curious, does any of this sound familiar?​
“I can’t afford to do that.”
“I’m no good with money.”
“Money changes people.”
“I’ll deal with it at another moment."
“I never have enough.”

Hi there. I’m Tania Vasallo
and I’m here to help you get what you want in business and life without making things harder. If you’ve struggled trying to implement all the tactics, strategies and still haven’t seen your money grow it’s because we need to work on mindset and your money energetics.
As an entrepreneur, mother, international speaker, I’ve discovered that my purpose and dream is to support ambitious, motivated and successful women like you to learn how to make, keep and grow your money so that you can create a life of freedom and happiness.

Somewhere along the line, you’ve been told you weren’t good enough, you couldn’t have it all. Yet, deep inside you know you are meant for more, you know you have a calling to bring forth your gifts into the world and you know you’re meant to help others. You’ve tried – really tried – to achieve it all. Your ambition keeps pulling you along, telling you to work harder, keep going.
But the truth is, over time, you’ve realized you’ve given up because you can’t seem to crack the code.
So Who Am I?
I’m a mother.
I’m a wife.
I’m a friend.
I’m an owner of a six-figure business.
I’m an adventurer.
I’m a goofball.
I'm a speaker
I'm a mentor
I’m a coach
I’m a consultant
I’m an investor
I’m a philanthropist
I’m a juggler of freedom and time.

But most of all, I’m just like you.

Susceptible to doubt, and fear if I’m not careful.
Looking for the “how to crack the code to financial freedom” and sometimes falling short.
And in this wild world of money and business, I’m trying my best to find a way for all of us overachieving, ambitious, and motivated women to have the kind of lives and businesses we want, FREE from:
a culture of oppression
I’m not good enough
not valuing our worth our tendency to define our worth by how much we get done
the assumption that we aren’t good with numbers
disconnection from our innate sources of power as well as the fear of them
I teach the tools, mindset, and strategies to create an empowered life of freedom. How did I learn this stuff? By doing it. My training comes from playing the game of life and business.
My biggest breakthrough was when I realized that even though I’m a super independent ambitious woman I was still following the unspoken messages and languaging that I picked up growing up “You become a caretaker and you will be taken care of financially by your husband, father, brother or uncle.” In summary: Do what I say and you will have a man as your financial plan. I realized that I was always falling on to the safety and security of the men in my life to take care of me.
It wasn’t until I DECIDED that I was capable, that I could do this, that I could learn about numbers, about finances, about investments that I could create the freedom in my life that I was longing for so much.

Which is why I’m here to help you do the same. I’ve created a place for us, this global community of amazing, successful, motivated women, where we get to improve our relationship with money, build our businesses and master the art of the feminine Freedom principles so that we can create a life by design.
A way to consciously live, work and play because in the end, money touches everything, and if we can learn to master money to take care of ourselves and loved ones. Then we can use this money to fuel our purpose, be able to express our gifts, and give back to the world which in exchange will feel like we lived a full life and left this planet a better place than when we came into it.