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How to Become Your Own Best Friend
How are you doing? I’m not just asking as a courtesy. I truly want you to tap in and ask yourself: “How am I doing today?” Do you notice...
Easy Way to Procrastinate and Be Ok With It.
I tend to see myself as a doer, maybe because I grew up with the belief that to be successful and to make money you have to work really...
How I Stay Motivated With These 11 Tricks
Good morning! We all have had those days, maybe even weeks where we just don’t want to do anything, we are just feeling blah and are...
Do you suck at Receiving?
You might have read in my August monthly review that I was about to board my flight back to the US and realized my passports were...
August Summary
***Disclaimer: it’s a long email, so pull your favorite beverage and read on if you are in the mood for it. Here we are with the month’s...
Please Don’t Do This!
Did you know that we have an average of 60,000 thoughts per day? What have your thoughts been today? Have you been kind to yourself? Have...
“Change your attitude and it will change your life.” -- Unknown
Our attitude is so often driven by our circumstances, f things are good around us, we are in a good mood, we are happy, and have a good...
My July Summary
Continuing my monthly review, here’s a recap of the month of July. I highly encourage you to start this practice. You can download my...
Claim your Abundance
I truly believe that each one of us is born deserving of a rich, abundant life. It’s up to you to claim it. Don’t allow all those beliefs...
The reason why you’re sabotaging yourself
Do you have any goals that you want to achieve? Dreams that have been buried in the back drawers of your mind? If you’ve had dreams and...
7 Excuses Blocking Your Dreams
Many times on our way to our dreams we hold ourselves back by pulling out our roaster of excuses. We use excuses to explain, justify and...
June 2021 Review
I always like doing year-long reviews especially with my Designing My Life Workbook and saw that one of my mentors had done one of her...
This moment is preparing you for something you can’t see yet…
Last week, as we were dropping my daughter off for camp she noticed a chrysalis stuck to our trash can - How she finds these things, I...
Make Money Talk Normal
As women we love talking about things, all kinds of things, with some exceptions. Money is one of them. It’s time we made talking about...
Growing by Giving
If you’re a mission-driven woman entrepreneur and/or a mom and you know you’re here to make a big difference AND great money… then keep...
The # 1 Dream Killer Is…
Since coaching hundreds of entrepreneurs over the years and being in master minds and being coached myself… I have seen first hand the...
5 Journaling Prompts To Help You Grow Your Money
What I've found is that growing your money happens so much faster when you do it with INTENTION. Because when you don't have clarity on...
Free stuff can work for a while...
If you've been on my lists or have known me for any amount of time, you know that I give massive amounts of information and teaching away...
Where Our Decisions Lead Us
This past week, I’ve been thinking about what might have been—specifically when it comes to me and my business. I used to run a studio...
What Comfort really is…
What will you do that makes you uncomfortable today? I have a question for you. Why do you think people can’t accomplish what they set...
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